Free training in collaboration with IBM

The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, with the support of IBM, is pleased to provide free training and certification opportunities on ICT topics.

Training activities are available in 2 formats:

  • specialization mini-courses lasting 4-5 and 10 weeks, focused on Data Analytics, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence, following which a digital token will be issued to confirm attendance and learning;
  • Focused learning activities on the IBM SkillsBuild platform of different duration (from 3 to 12 hours) with the possibility of obtaining a certificate and a digital credential with international validity to be included in the CV.


IBM SkillsBuild is a free, global digital training program that presents over 1000 innovative, engaging and high-quality online courses and training paths for students, young people, adults and organizations.

The courses are translated into more than 19 languages and allow you to obtain certifications and name badges with international validity to use on your CV and in the professional world.

All courses, such as Cloud Computing, Data Science, Quantum Computing, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, etc. in addition to those on soft skills and post-diploma orientation, they are designed and created by IBM experts. A wonderful opportunity to understand and delve deeper into the world of science and research, learning new skills and obtaining nominative certificates with international validity to use on your CV and in the world of work.

Finally, participants can earn IBM digital credentials and connect with a global network of 90 non-profit partners, who could help them tap local job opportunities.

Most learners start with no digital experience and can be ready to apply for some IT positions within six months, thanks to participation in hands-on, project-based learning and mentoring support.

The courses we suggest learning more about:

We recommend registering with an Adult Learner profile.
It is possible to access IBM SkillsBuild via PC, mobile phone or tablet: the platform monitors the user’s progress on the courses, keeping track of completed training and digital credentials obtained.