16/Apr/2024 14:00 - 16:00

lang-IT-EN Room B109

Company Pitch

Sixteen IT companies will introduce themselves to DISI bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students in 3-minutes pitches.

By participating in the event you will be able to find out which job, internship or thesis or job opportunities are offered, and you will be able to learn more about the companies present in the room at the end of the pitch.


  • 14:00 -15:00 3-minute pitch
  • 15:00 -16:00 One-to-one meetings


Participation in the event is free but registration is required to have a guaranteed seat in the room. Deadline for registration: April 12th.
Here is the form

Details about the companies are available in IT version of the page (some descriptions are in Italian other in English).