09/Apr/2025 12:00 - 18:00
Povo 1, floor +1 and Povo 2, entrance

Companies meet students
What: Guidance and placement event
How: One-to-one interviews (10 minutes each).
Participating companies will have a dedicated desk where they can carry out interviews with our bachelor, master and doctoral students for potential internships/thesis or for post-graduate and/or doctoral job opportunities.
The event also aims to make newly enrolled students aware of the needs of the job market and which profiles are most in demand by IT companies, as well as to give them the opportunity to experience a real interview.
How to Participate
By expressing your interest during the pre-registration phase that will be open till February 19th at 5:30pm.
All details and registration form at
Companies applications will be evaluated by the organizing committee which, based on the information provided in the call for pre-registration, will define a shortlist of selected companies .
The selected companies will be contacted at the beginning of March to complete their profile and define the slots in which they will be present for interviews.
The selected companies will be asked for a small participation fee.
By participating in the event, students will have the opportunity to:
- meet the HR representatives of the participating companies
- find internship or thesis opportunities in the company
- gather information on job opportunities
- learn more about the profiles most in demand by the job market in the ICT field
In order to take part in the interviews, students will have to fill in a registration form in a dedicated website available in March. By registering, they will be able to book one or more slots and view the profile of the participating companies, their internship/thesis/job offers and the corresponding requirements.
The list of participants companies (and their profiles) will be visible in the dedicated website.