Google Hashcode

Hash Code is a team-based programming competition organized by Google for students and experts from all over the world. Participants pick their team and programming language, Google picks a real-life engineering problem for them to solve.

For the sixth consecutive year, our department is organizing a Hub for the Hash Code 2022 online Qualification Round, to be held on 24 February.

Participation is free and open to everyone, from beginners to programming experts. To participate you must

  1. Register to DISI Hashcode by 22 February at 11:59 pm
  2. Register for Google Hash Code in the Google website by 23 February at 11 am. Don’t forget to join UniTrento Hub!

Participation in the DISI Hub is organized both in presence at entrance and room B107 of the Polo Ferrari buildings in Povo 2, in compliance with the rules and limitations in force, and remotely on Zoom.

DISI Hub best-qualified teams during the ICT Days 2022 and will then be invited to compete in the virtual World Finals on April 30, 2022.

All details about the event